Today is 520 presidents to assume office anniversary, the Ah Bian's president of astute greatness construct Taiwan, take good care of 100 surname of the merit 罄 bamboo difficult book, and then happen to be day off, so
The father's mother brings us to the zoo to play specially.
<br></br>按照慣例,我們早餐喜歡吃台南地瓜粥。今天因為地瓜賣完了,媽媽只好黔 驢技窮地削些芋頭來濫竽充數。沒想<br></br>到那些種在陽台的芋頭很好吃,全家都貪得 無厭地自食其果。
According to conventionally, our breakfast likes to eat Tainan sweet potato porridge. Today because the sweet potato sold out, the mother had to 黔 donkey to exhaust all tricks ground to pare some taros to come to just to make up the number. DO not think
Go to those taros which sow in veranda very delicious, the whole families are all greedy for be not disgusted with a ground of suffer the consequences of action.
<br></br>出門前,我那徐娘半老的媽媽打扮的花枝招展,鬼斧神工到一點也看不出是 個糟糠之妻。頭頂羽毛未豐的爸爸也<br></br>趕緊洗心革面沐猴而冠,換上雙管齊下的西 裝後英俊得慘絕人寰,雞飛狗跳到讓人退避三舍。東施效顰愛漂亮的<br></br>妹妹更是穿 上調整型內衣愚公移山,畫虎類犬地打扮的艷光四射,趾高氣昂地穿上新買的高 跟鞋。
Before going out, I that Xu 娘 half old what mother dress up is beautifully dressed, extremely skillful to also can not tell to is a wife at 1:00. Top of head inexperienced father also
Reform hog in armor hurriedly, the west which makes change to do both things simultaneously packs behind handsome get extremely tragic, the chicken flies a dog to jump to let the person avoid three sheds. East imitates a love beautiful of
The younger sister wears more underwear determined old fool can move a mountain up the adjustment type, drawing a tiger dog ground foppery of gorgeous light four shoot, the toe high spirit puts on proudly lately- bought high heel shoes.
<br></br>我們一丘之貉坐著素車白馬,很快地到了動物園,不料參觀的人多到豺狼當 道草木皆兵,害我們一家骨肉分離。<br></br>妻離子散的爸爸鞠躬盡瘁地到處廣播,終於 找到到差點認賊作父的我和遇人不淑的妹妹,困獸之鬥中,我們螳臂<br></br>當車力排眾 議推己及人地擠到猴子柵欄前,魚目混珠拍了張強顏歡笑的全家福。
Our birds of a feather sits a plain car white horse, going to a zoo very soon, visiting didn't expect of the person goes to jackal and wolf more to be a way a plant a soldier all, harm our[one] blood relationship to separate.
Father whom the wife ion spreads spares no effort ground to broadcast everywhere, finding out to almost recognize a thief to make father finally of I with the younger sister of ill-matched in marriage, in the desperate fight, we 螳 arm
當車力排眾 議推己及人地擠到猴子柵欄前,魚目混珠拍了張強顏歡笑的全家福。
<br></br>接著到雞鳴狗盜的鳥園欣賞風聲鶴唳哀鴻遍野的大自然美妙音樂。後來爸爸 口沫橫飛地為我們指鹿為馬時,吹來<br></br>一陣涼風,唾面自乾的滋味,讓人毛骨悚然 不寒而慄,媽媽連忙為爸爸黃袍加身,也叮囑我們要克紹其裘。
The bird park which goes to a chicken to blare a dog a thief immediately after appreciates a nervous atmosphere of war and turmoil time of 哀鴻 wild great universe wonderful music. Afterwards father when the 沫 is horizontal to fly ground to point the deer as horse for us, blow to come
A cool breeze, the extreme obsequiousness taste, makes the person greatly terrified and tremble with fear, the mother adds a body for the father's yellow tunic hurriedly, also giving repeated advice to us to want a gram of 紹 its 裘 .
<br></br>到了傍晚,因為假日的關係,餐廳家家鵲占鳩巢六畜興旺,所以媽媽帶著我 們孟母三遷,最後終於決定吃火鍋。<br></br>有家餐廳剛換壁紙,家徒四壁很是美麗,燈 火闌珊配上四面楚歌,非常有氣氛。十面埋伏的女服務生們四處招蜂<br></br>引蝶,忙著 為客人圍魏救趙,口蜜腹劍到讓人誤認到了西方極樂世界。
The 飢 doesn't choose food of we lighted comprehensive chafing dish, sitting to keep in mind not disorderly father to give sharp advice preemptive, request to make 倀 to take knife for the tiger to be foolish display of skill before expert of the female serve
Get, hurry to die a 狡 rabbit a henchman to boil, because 尸 plain meal of I a son adds oil to add vinegar to complete early, wait for chafing dish to sink fish to fall wild goose at once so much contend for medium
After soup anticipates seethes, heat get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push to eat very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, a net beats to get a water rockslide to pay to the utmost.
<br></br>火鍋在我們呼天嗆地面紅耳赤地蠶食鯨吞後,很快就只剩滄海一粟,和少數 的漏網之魚。母範猶存的媽媽想要丟<br></br>三落四放冬粉時,發現火苗已經危在旦夕, 只好投鼠忌器。幸好狐假虎威的爸爸呼盧喝雉叫來店員抱薪救火,終<br></br>於死灰復燃 ,也讓如坐針氈的我們中飽私囊。鳥盡弓藏後,我們一家子酒囊飯袋,沆瀣一氣 ,我和妹妹更是小人<br></br>得志,沾沾自喜。
Chafing dish at we shout for a day, the 嗆 ground looking angry and embarrassed ground encroaches upon a whale to swallow after, only remain 滄 sea one 粟 very fast, with minority of escape from punishment. The mother whom the female 範 still saves wants to throw
Three fall four put a green bean noodles, find the flame has already had to hurl rat to hate a machine danger may come any time. Happily a bully with a coward's heart father shouts 盧 to drink 雉 to call to the clerk embrace a salary to fight a fire, eventually
In cold ashes burn again, also let in uncomfortable position of we embezzle private pocket. The bird exerts after bow hide, we are a son useless persons, the 沆瀣 is one spirit, I and the younger sister is also a mean person
Enjoy success, complacent.
<br></br>不料結帳的時候,老闆露出廬山真面目,居然要一飯千金,爸爸氣得吳牛喘 月,媽媽也委屈地牛衣對泣。
The time settled an account didn't expect, the owner peeps out a 廬 mountain true character, wanting incredibly one rice daughter, father annoys Wu's cattle breathe heavily a month, the mother also discommodes a ground of cattle dress to the 泣 .
<br></br>啊!這三生有幸的總統就職紀念日,就在爸爸對著錢包自慚形穢大義滅親後 ,我們全家江郎才盡,一敗塗地。
These three give birth to a lucky president to assume office anniversary, after father toward the purse ashamed of own unseemliness big righteousness put out to kiss, our whole family river 郎 just exert, suffer a crushing defeat.